A Message from the Authorship Team (Team) for the Second Edition of American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code (AIPSC2)
The Team is turning a corner and progressing to a new level.
The team of nine AIP-credentialed parliamentarians is itself further divided into squads of two and a project manager, Kay Crews. Each two-person squad has assumed responsibility for specific chapters in the book. There is also a legal squad, comprised of the four attorneys who are also members of the authorship team, led by Michael Malamut. The legal team has the responsibility for researching references cited, evaluating issues with legal implications, as well as, participating on their squad.
The goal of the Team is to maintain the comprehensive but clear and straightforward style of the parliamentary authority (AIPSC) and to make it applicable to the new, myriad forms of meetings which have become so pervasive, especially during the global pandemic. AIPSC2 will continue to be logical and intuitive, which makes it the parliamentary authority of choice for respected organizations such as, the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association, and many other related organizations, as well as many other associations.
The Team has made significant progress. The squads are nearing completion in their work of making initial edits to their chapters. The Project Manager is reviewing each chapter. Now, the whole team is beginning to focus on each of the chapters separately. This has been a major step to achieve. The excitement in moving from a narrow view to a more comprehensive view is shared by each member of the Team. It is an important process to ensure continuity and thoroughness. The Team has indeed turned a corner and progressed to the next level in the process of writing AIPSC2.
But the Team continues to be open to AIP members and AIPSC users. During the very successful online forum, which was held on January 14, 2021, in conjunction with the West Coast Practicum, various suggestions were offered to the Team. Each suggestion was forwarded either to the squad responsible for that particular area, or to the whole Team for further discussion. Further, suggestions to the website have been considered, as well.
It is not too late to offer ideas, suggestions, feedback, and concerns. Feedback and interactions with the authorship team can be offered on a website that has been established for this purpose. The website is: www.AIPSC2.com. Or emails can be sent to the Team at: AIPSC2@aipparl.org. However, the Team recognizes the awesome responsibility bestowed upon it by the AIP Board of Directors. It is the Team’s duty to decide the final content and will not likely incorporate all of the suggestions it receives.
One question frequently posed is “when will AIPSC2 be published”? The publish and distribution date have not been determined. The team’s favorite answer to that question, however, is “first half of 2022 is within the realm of likely possibility and it will be worth the wait”.